I'm Elaine from CNBM International corporation, a Fortune 500 and state-owned building materials firm in China.Glad to know that your company is active in LED lights, we are specialized in various LED as followings, Hope to be your strong support in local market.
1. LED Street lights
2. LED Flood Lights
3. Strip LED
4. Spot Lights
5. LED Tube
6. LED Flashlight
8. LED Bulbs
9. String Lights

Until now we stay strong connections with the regular market of North America, Europe, Middle East, South America, Asia and Africa. If you’re interested in above business, we would be grateful of receiving your any inquiry. Meanwhile, the quotation and techincal data will be offered within 18 hrs after receivng details.
Welcome to contact me or visit factory in China. Hope we can build a long-term relationship. Look forward to your reply.
Yours Sincerely,
Elaine Mei
Address: No,2 Zizhuyuan South Road, Haidian District, Beijing, China
Post Code: 100044
Mobile:86 15251575665
Email: elainemei@okorder.com

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